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Redbornstoke Morris Ampthill Tradition

Click on dance name to see video, dance notation, tune dots and recording of the tune for that dance. Notation for stepping and the common figures are also given below

The Set


   1     2

   3     4

   5     6

1,4,5 -  first triangle

2,3,6 -  second triangle

The Steps

Handkerchief dances

                                          Feet             Arms

Double step DS                 l r l h             two hand stretch; down slowly to waist and back to chest height

Feet together jump FTJ     f t j                counter twist outwards; stretch up, back to solar plexus

Single step SS                   l h r h            left stretch 45 deg, right stretch 45 deg

Once to yourself (OY)       SS on the spot, turn left.90 deg

                                          SS turn left 90 deg, on the spot

Stick dances

Single stick dance: Stick rests on right shoulder;

                                          Feet              Arms

Double step DS                 l r l h              stick on right shoulder

Feet together jump FTJ     f t j                 both arms raised, stick back on right shoulder immediately for SS

Single step SS                   l h r h             stick on right shoulder

Single step SS                   l h r h             stick on right shoulder

Double stick dance: Sticks rest on both shoulders

                                          Feet               Arms

Double step DS                 l r l h              sticks on both shoulder

Feet together jump FTJ     f t j                 both arms raised, clash sticks together, sticks back on shoulders                                                                         immediately for SS

Single step SS                   l h r h            sticks on both shoulders

Single step SS                   l h r h            sticks on both shoulders

Common Figures

Once to yourself (OY)   Start in circle facing out

  1. SS on the spot, turn left.90 deg

  2. SS turn left 90 deg, on the spot

Sphincter  Start in circle facing in

  1. DS FTJ:   DS towards centre (dilate the ring) FTJ on the spot

  2. SSSS:     SS on the spot, turn left.90 deg; SS turn left 90 deg on the spot to face                            outwards

  3. DS FTJ:   DS outwards; FTJ on the spot

  4. SSSS:      SS on the spot, turn left.90 deg; SS turn left 90 deg on the spot to form set

OS   Start in set - first and second triangles dance simultaneously

1,4,5 (first triangle)

  1. DS FTJ:    DS, FTJ towards centre of set

  2. SSSS:      Turning right 4 SS clockwise to opposite position in set (6,3,2)

  3. DS FTJ:    Continuing clockwise to 8 o'clock 12 o'clock 4 o'clock (mercedes benz                             formation)

  4. SSSS:       Continue clockwise to original position in set

2,3,6 (second triangle) 

  1. DS FTJ:  Turn left counter clockwise to 10 o'clock 6 o'clock  2 o'clock (mercedes benz                    formation upside down)

  2. SSSS:     Continue counter clockwise to opposite position in set 5,4,1)

  3. DS FTJ:   DS, FTJ towards centre of set

  4. SSSS:     Turning left 4 SS counter clockwise to original position in set

Line    Start in set

  1. DS FTJ:  DS into line right shoulders, FTJ

  2. SSSS:    tear drop shape moving right 45 deg turning left to opposite place in set

  3. DS FTJ:  DS into line right shoulders, FTJ

  4. SSSS:    tear drop shape moving right 45 deg turning left to original place in set

Triangles (hankies - indicates stick variation)  Start in set

 1,4,5 (first triangle) moving clockwise, 2,3,6 (second triangle) moving counter clockwise

Moving to mercedes benz position (12 o'clock 4 o'clock 8 o'clock)

  1. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in first position as above

  2. SSSS*:    Three SS rotating around partner with linked right arms, one SS on spot                           turning to face new direction

  3. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in second position

  4. SSSS*:     Three SS rotating around partner with linked right arms, one SS on spot                         turning to face new direction

  5. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in third position

  6. SSSS:     Three SS rotating around partner with linked right arms, one SS on spot                          turning to face new direction

  7. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in home (original) position in set

  8. SSSS:     Two SS rotating around partner with linked right arms, two SS to return to set                  position


Triangles (sticks - * indicates stick variation)  Start in set

 1,4,5 (first triangle) moving clockwise, 2,3,6 (second triangle) moving counter clockwise

Moving to mercedes benz position (12 o'clock 4 o'clock 8 o'clock)

  1. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in first position as above

  2. SSSS*:    Four SS rotating clockwise around partner with 4 forehand stick clashes, to                    face new direction 

  3. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in second position

  4. SSSS*:    Four SS rotating clockwise around partner with 4 forehand stick clashes, to                    face new direction 

  5. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in third position

  6. SSSS*:    Four SS rotating clockwise around partner with 4 forehand stick clashes, to                    face new direction 

  7. DS FTJ:   DS,FTJ to right shoulders in home (original) position in set

  8. SSSS*:    Four SS rotating clockwise around partner with 4 forehand stick clashes, to                    return to set position 

Cast  Start in set

DS FTJ: 3,4 rotate 90 deg on spot facing up

Meanwhile 5,6 dance to face up between 3 and 4 and 1,2 dance away from each other in  two arcs to end outside of 3 and 4 making a line of six facing up


1. SSSS:          Numbers 5,6                                           Numbers 3,4                        

  1. SS turn 90 deg to face one another    SS turn 90 deg to face one another

  2. SS turn 90 deg to face down              SS towards one another

  3. SS one step down                               SS turn 90 deg to face down

  4. SS one step down                               SS one step down

Numbers 1,2

  1. SS turn 90 deg to face one another

  2. SS towards one another

  3. SS towards one another

  4. SS turn 90 deg to face down


2. DS FTJ:       6 DS sideways right and 5 DS sideways left

4 DS to follow 6 into line facing down, 3 DS to follow 5 into line facing down

2 DS to follow 4 into line facing down, 1 DS to follow 3 into line facing down

3. SSSS:          All SS 90 deg left, SS 90 deg left(to face up), 2SS on the spot to finish

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